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And everything forgot to fall. Frozen in midair, the wreckage of the palace hung suspended
above them. Even the air ceased to swirl. Time stood still. The movement of the Earth was halted.
Everything held utterly immobile as Nathan Stack was permitted to understand all.
(Counts for ½ your final grade.)
1. God is:
A. An invisible spirit with a long beard.
B. A small dog dead in a hole.
C. Everyman.
D. The Wizard of Oz.
2. Nietzsche wrote “God is dead.” By this did he mean:
A. Life is pointless.
B. Belief in supreme deities has waned.
C. There never was a God to begin with.
D. Thou art God.
3. Ecology is another name for:
A. Mother love.
B. Enlightened self-interest.
C. A good health salad with granola.
D. God.
4. Which of these phrases most typifies the profoundest love:
A. Don’t leave me with strangers.
B. I love you.
C. God is love.
D. Use the needle.
5. Which of these powers do we usually associate with God:
A. Power.
B. Love.
C. Humanity.
D. Docility.
None of the above.
Starlight shone in the eyes of the Deathbird and its passage through the night cast a shadow
on the Moon.
Nathan Stack raised his hands and around them the air was still, as the palace fell crashing.
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