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It took ten years to complete this cycle of stories. I never suffered from a lack of support from those
around me, who were unstinting with their enthusiasm and encouragement. These are some of the
people who had the right words and smiles when I needed them: Holly Bower. Ben Bova, R. Glenn
Wright. Leonard Isaacs. Edward Ferman. Ralph Weinstock. Bentley Morriss, James Sallis. Thomas
Disch, Dona Sadock, Dr. Richard Carrigan. Mildred Downey Broxon. Terry Carr. Robert
Silverberg, Martin Shapiro, Max Katz, Karen Friedrich Katz. James Tiptree, Jr., Norman Spinrad,
Ed Bryant, David Catkins, Rosalind Harvey, Huck and Carol Barkin, Louise Farr, Damon Knight.
Kate Wilhelm. the students of the Clarion Writers. Workshops, 1971 and 1972, Jane Rotrosen; and
most specially, with utmost patience and a concern for this book that went far beyond mere
publishing courtesy, my original editor, Ms. Victoria Schochet, without whose pushing and shoving
and ramrodding and affection, this book might never have been completed. For Vicky, and for my
friend and former agent, Robert Mills, there are no words rich enough to convey my continuing
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